the streets



I was on the streets next to a fluffy puppy. A vehicle passed by and it splashed water on to my face, it was hard for me when I was a little boy. Then I fainted and I was hearing sounds like music. Then I woke up and slowly walked to the music and it was this man and I asked him and said, “can I please come into your house”,. Then he said,”sure” and then I went into his house and I climbed the stairs because I didn’t know how to walk on stairs. Then I saw his bed and as soon as I hit the pillow I fell asleep.


The child in mushrooms



“The bed is so comfortable wha- I’m sleeping in MARSHMELLOWS”, said the child,. The child did not know what to do, big thick marshmallows were falling from the sky. Then he realised that he was in marshmallow heaven, he thought he wasn’t alive and he was worried if he was going to be stuck in marshmallow heaven for centuries. He explored and found a marshmallow dog but he didn’t want to take him, but he did the look it was so adorable so he took him and he new he would regret it. Then he woke up to see he was in his normal bed, “dad!”

The man with a stray dog


The man was walking towards a pizza shop when he saw a dog that had orange fur. That man went and some bought pizza and went walking back and he saw the dog he was so hungry he gave him a little and he barked so the man said, “ the orange one spoke first”. The dog just interrupted the man a lot then he walk back home but the dog followed him to his house then he ran in and locked the door but the dog just stayed there then he brought him.